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- Short: Must Read Door for DayDream BBS
- Author: teorist@ns.gov.yu (Teorist / Mad Virgin)
- Uploader: Teorist (teorist@pancevo.com)
- Version: 1.0
- Type: comm/bbs
- Description:
- Mad Virgin presents a new DayDream door
- Must Read 1.0
- ---------------
- Instalation:
- ------------
- Just unpack archive and type 'INSTALL' and then add MustRead to your
- External Commands.
- Or manualy, create Doors:MV/MustRead directory and copy all files to it
- (MV_MustRead needs mentioned directory for internal savings!!!)
- Then add following line to your DayDream:Data/LogOnDoors.DAT file:
- Doors:MV/MustRead/MustRead %N
- (or, you may add to your DayDream:Display/YOUR_MODES/Welcome.GFX|TXT files
- following line:
- ÿDDoors:MV/MustRead/MustRead %N |USERS|
- ^
- |__---> ASCII code 255 is default DayDream char for commands, see
- CONTROLCHAR settings in main section of your DayDream configuration.
- If you put this in Welcome.XXX don't forget |USERS| at the end of line.)
- It is highly recomended :) to add following in your DayDream config
- +
- DOOR_TYPE..... 1
- DOOR_EXECUTE.. Doors:MV/MustRead/MustRead %N
- +
- if you want to set events for users. Note, noone with access level under
- 255 would not be able to use this door in 'normal' mode, just in
- "USERS" mode (if you want to test, you may type "MUSTREAD USERS" when
- you are logged in)
- ------
- For users :
- Nothing, they just will be forced press some (randomly
- selected) key to proceed with loging in.
- For SysOp :
- When you start this Door in SysOp mode (dd command "MustRead"
- if you configured as mentioned) you will be able to add new
- textfile.
- If you want to display different files for ASCII/ANSI
- users, you may create [basefilename].TXT and .GFX
- versions, becouse depending on user's personal ANSI/ASCII
- settings, MV_MustRead will first try to open
- your_entered_filename.GFX or your_entered_filename.TXT and if
- fail will put "your_entered_filename" to user's screen.
- If you want to remove some event, you can do it in ASCII file
- created by MV_MustRead as "Doors:MV/MustRead/Events.DAT" but
- DO NOT DELETE LINE, but just type ------ in second field!!!!
- i.e.
- one line looks like this:
- |00012|07555|DayDream:Announce/bla-bla-bla
- and you want not to show this anymore you should edit as following
- |00012|-----|DayDream:Announce/bla-bla-bla
- in fact, just first dash is needed, but.. aeshtetic is important :>
- As you see, config have format:
- Event Nr | expire day | file to display
- where expire day may have two special cases:
- |-----| <- event is disabled
- |00000| <- event will never expire
- If you want to execute command instead of displaying text
- you may use DayDream control codes (as for installing in
- LogOnDoors.DAT).
- Be carefull when instaling banners, becouse MV_MustRead will
- not strip control codes from files.
- -----
- If you are going to delete Doors:MV/MustRead/Events.DAT,
- you MUST delete Doors:MV/MustRead/Users.DAT, or some
- users will not see new issues!
- If you want to skip or change ANSI [slowdown :) ] sequence,
- you may add file
- Doors:MV/MustRead/ANSI_ANIM
- and MV_MustRead will put it to screen instead built-in
- ansi-anim sequence.
- -------
- Teorist^Mad Virgin
- email: teorist@ns.gov.yu
- URL : www.bozic.co.yu/~teorist
- BBS : EroS - +381/ 13- 353189 , 22 to 07 CET
- ============================= Archive contents =============================
- Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
- -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
- 273 177 35.1% 09-Sep-98 13:56:36 File_ID.DIZ
- 1295 534 58.7% 09-Sep-98 14:07:30 install
- 1648 760 53.8% 08-Sep-98 00:30:22 install.info
- 9036 5104 43.5% 09-Sep-98 13:48:30 MustRead
- 3965 1721 56.5% 09-Sep-98 14:00:46 MustRead.Readme
- -------- ------- ----- --------- --------
- 16217 8296 48.8% 10-Sep-98 22:46:54 5 files